Thursday, August 15, 2013

5 Reasons You Need a Haircut


   I wanted to take a few minutes to explain why YOU need a haircut. Possibly even list some of the top reasons why they are important, in ways you may not even realize.

1. Fixing a Bad Haircut...

We have all seen them, and sometimes, we just can't resist to tell them... "Hey Man... You Could Use A Haircut!" Send them to us.

2. Creating a Better Self Image...

While it doesn't matter what makes you happy, everyone finds happiness in their own way. Whatever makes YOU happy is what counts. (Though we may not suggest the example above for everyone).

3. Career Opporitunities...

While a haircut isn't a guarantee that you will get promoted at work, it is a sure fire way to let your co-workers, and superiors know that you take care of yourself, and that attention to detail could help their business grow too. 

4. It can make you look younger...

While it may not take 20 years off of your appearance, a good haircut can help you maintain a younger, more vibrant appearance that will make your friends and family envious of your ability to look so good.

5. It cures boredom...

Sometimes your just plain bored. In that case, a barber shop or salon is just the medicine the doctor orders! A barber is a master of being able to listen to you, your problems, and just about anything you may want to talk about.

Well, there you have it, the 5 best reasons to get a haircut. So... why are you still sitting there reading this article? Come on down and grab a seat so we can fix you up today!!!


Saturday, August 10, 2013

New Banner Logo & Other Site Updates

Hi all,

Dave has given me a lot of leverage, letting me put his site together. And as such I have been working hard getting the social graphics and other things together, I found some that I was able to alter and they look like rustic stamps, which I thought worked well with the website. I also remade the entire logo banner. See below...

New Site Logo Banner

It really works well with the new site design in my opinion...

Preview the new logo looks on the site

I added some sky blue to the top of the lettering, and some sandy color to the satin bottom to give it some depth, but wasn't sure if it was needed. White looked a little bland, so it was my final attempt. Let me know what you think.

I also did a full design, so we could update the social platforms, including facebook. So now they are looking sick, see below...

Social Media Platform Background - 1280 x 1024 Wallpaper

I still need to work with Dave to get his and Sun City Chamber of Commerce Profiles linked, then finalize some paypal portals. I am going to put some links for easy reviews there as well, so customers can pay with their cell phones, but this is tentative, and ONLY if Dave approves of it. There is a donations button on the home page now, but it's only for testing purposes. Any donations until finalization's are approved by Dave will be refunded immediately.

We can use as many Likes & Followers as possible to help cement the social platform and get it working as it's supposed to, so make sure to hit those like and share buttons! If you're feeling shaggy, come on in and let us get you lookin' good again!